July 28, 2006 Yesterday, the laborers from the second largest Labor Confederation in Turkey, the DISK, had marched to the Israeli consulate with lanterns and torches and had sent a letter of protest to the Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert in continuation of actions within their campaign initiated on July 26 called, “PEACEFUL PEOPLE OF […]
July 28, 2006
Yesterday, the laborers from the second largest Labor Confederation in Turkey, the DISK, had marched to the Israeli consulate with lanterns and torches and had sent a letter of protest to the Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert in continuation of actions within their campaign initiated on July 26 called, “PEACEFUL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD UNITE! STOP ISRAEL!”
To counter the protests, the Istanbul Consul of Israel, Mordehai Amihai paid a visit to DISK, THE Confederation of Progressive Labor Unions and tried explaining Israel’s position. He tried justifying the illegal Israeli aggressions by mentioning unrelated issues such as ‘attacks from terrorists’ etc.
However, the Israeli diplomat was lectured by the DISK officials, something the Turkish government has not done, and reminded the forgetful diplomat that the war started by Israel was not legitimate and all the basis being used by Israel as an excuse were unjustified. DISK officials also reminded the diplomat that the ‘terror organizations’ Israel complains about had been fed and protected by the imperialists for years, and now, Israel was attempting to use this excuse to attack its neighbors where the poverty stricken laborers in the region were being targeted.
In a gesture as well as part of the planned actions against Israel, right after the meeting, the officials of the DISK labor confederation left to join and continue the sit-in protest of Israel in Istanbul’s central, main square, the Taksim Plaza.
The actions, which have been taking place for the last three days against Israeli aggression staged by DISK, will end this evening after a march.
While these developments continue in Istanbul, in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, the members of DISK joined forces with another large labor confederation, KESK, the confederation of Public Workers’ Unions, held a press conference in the city center. After the conference and the rally, all participants distributed fliers exposing Israeli atrocities and imperialism in Ankara’s most crowded streets.