February 3, 2006 Public hospitals are now taking care of patients with medical equipments they bought on borrowed money. Deputy President of Turkish Physicians’ Association, Metin Bakkalcı said there were problems in obtaining medicine required for emergency rooms. “There is lack of even the most basic, necessary medicine,” he added. When the government decided to […]
February 3, 2006
Public hospitals are now taking care of patients with medical equipments they bought on borrowed money. Deputy President of Turkish Physicians’ Association, Metin Bakkalcı said there were problems in obtaining medicine required for emergency rooms. “There is lack of even the most basic, necessary medicine,” he added. When the government decided to refuse paying 3.5 quadrillion it owed the hospitals, the health institutions started having problems in purchasing, starting with medicine. The Deputy President of Turkish Physicians’ Association Metin Bakkalcı said the health system is near collapse and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu from the opposition Republican Peoples’ Party the CHP (RPP) said, “IMF Demanded, so the patient will die.”
Source: Condensed from Cumhuriyet