The Presidents of Labor Union confederations, including the Progressive Labor Unions Confederation, DISK, KESK, the Confederation of Public Workers Union, and the Chamber Of Physicians of Turkey condemned the arbitrary and political arrest of transportation union officials at a press conference with a press release. The press release reads, “This is what is called Fascism!” […]
The Presidents of Labor Union confederations, including the Progressive Labor Unions Confederation, DISK, KESK, the Confederation of Public Workers Union, and the Chamber Of Physicians of Turkey condemned the arbitrary and political arrest of transportation union officials at a press conference with a press release. The press release reads, “This is what is called Fascism!” and calls for the release of all arrested unionists.
The President of DISK, Süleyman Çelebi, said, “They are blatantly violating the workers;’ right to organize while hiding behind the arbitrary decision of ‘secrecy'”
Celebi said attorneys and people involved are not allowed to see the case documents, preventing the accused from defending themselves. He said, “the accusations are based on the complaints of bosses who had to agree to union contracts in the past. These lies and accusations are rampant today in the union struggle. When unionists are arrested based on these lies, this is against justice. They are criminal because they are preventing the legal rights of the unions and the workers who organize. When the bosses complain they intervene right away. However, we also have hundreds of complaints on constitutional rights and freedoms. Yet, none of these are taken seriously.”
President of KESK: “The name of this game is: Fascism!”
The president of Confederation of Public Workers Unions, Sami Evren gave examples of state attacks against the unions and the recent law suits brought by the DA are to close the unions.
He said the decision to close the Kurdish political party DTP (Democratic Society Party) was also against the laws and was yet another example of the illegitimate systems attacks. He said, “In those countries where there is no freedom to organize, there cannot be democracy or a democratic way of life. The union membership is in decline as members are subject to harassment and oppression at the point where they defend their rights. In these type of regimes the oppressive government relations is called fascism. All democratic forces should unite to fight against these practices.”
The president of the central council of the Chamber of Physicians of Turkey, Gencay Gursoy also demanded the release of the arrested unionists from the transportation union Nakliyat-Is.
Source: Atilim