September 01, 2006 Having decided to send Turkish troops in his collaborating role under the US, the prime minister Erdoğan was on his way to an energy meeting in Adana where his road was temporarily blocked by the protestors. As a part of their nationwide campaign, the grassroots organization Peoples Houses blocked the E-5 highway […]
September 01, 2006
Having decided to send Turkish troops in his collaborating role under the US, the prime minister Erdoğan was on his way to an energy meeting in Adana where his road was temporarily blocked by the protestors.
As a part of their nationwide campaign, the grassroots organization Peoples Houses blocked the E-5 highway where the prime minister was scheduled to pass.
The campaign organized by the organization to show solidarity with the people of Lebanon and Palestine, both under illegal attack from the US and Israel, is called, “Long Live Palestine, Palestine Long Live!” and has been organized nationwide to both collect aid for the people of the Middle East under attack from US and its junior partner Israel, and to educate the people of Turkey on the imperialist policies of these two aggressors.
While the members blocking the highway were arrested, Peoples Houses explained the event in a press release:
“To our people and to the press,
The JDP (Justice Development Part) government, wanting to serve the imperialist policies of the US and Israel has been warned by the Peoples Houses organization on not to send our troops to Lebanon to help in the occupation.
Our members have shut down the E-5 highway to protest the war wheeling-dealing this prime minister is conducting at BOTAŞ for the energy plans of the Middle East. We made our voices heard: “We will not be foot soldiers of Israel. No Troops to Lebanon!”
We demand the arrested members to be released immediately and the government’s collaborationist policy to send troops to be rejected in the Assembly.
We will continue to resist against the JDP and the US collaborators.
All our members will be on the streets on the day this resolution will be discussed in the Assembly.
Adana Peoples Houses.