August 25, 2006 DISK, the Confederation of Progressive Labor Unions launched a campaign to prevent Turkey from participating in the US-Israel led, so-called, “peace keeping force.” The campaign is simply called, “Don’t send soldiers.” The press release signed by the president of the confederation, Süleyman Çelebi, said, “We do not want to see people in […]
August 25, 2006
DISK, the Confederation of Progressive Labor Unions launched a campaign to prevent Turkey from participating in the US-Israel led, so-called, “peace keeping force.” The campaign is simply called, “Don’t send soldiers.” The press release signed by the president of the confederation, Süleyman Çelebi, said, “We do not want to see people in body bags.”
Do not send soldiers
“The US attack against Lebanon after Palestine as a part of the Larger Middle East project has been “stopped” with the late action of the UN. Anybody who can see observes that the US is drawing a 21st century plan for its own interests. The most important part of this plan is to control the fields of energy. For its strategic goals, US is playing with fire both in the region and also in our country. By threatening people and by drawing new “dangerous” maps that nobody will allow, it is planning on starting wars that will last tens of years.
On the other hand, even when France is sending a minimal number of troops, the Justice Development Party government is thinking about sending our soldiers to Lebanon.
When it is not known whether the cease fire will last or not, the task of the UN force there is ambiguous. While mentioning that Hezbollah is to be unarmed, there is no provision on what to do when Israel attacks.
Israel wants to control who constitutes the Peace Force in the region. For example, Israel does not want Muslim countries that has not recognized it such as Malaysia, Indonesia or Bangladesh to be in the force. By including Turkey they will try to save face.”
The details of the campaign will be made available in the coming days.