August 27, 2006 Residents who defended their homes against government demolitions visited the resisting AL-CO workers to give support. The workers have been resisting in front of the factory for nearly 20 days. The factory management had illegally fired the workers when they found out that a unionization drive was underway. The residents defending their […]
August 27, 2006
Residents who defended their homes against government demolitions visited the resisting AL-CO workers to give support.
The workers have been resisting in front of the factory for nearly 20 days. The factory management had illegally fired the workers when they found out that a unionization drive was underway.
The residents defending their homes said, “You are the victims. We know this. We are also victims as residents of Cedit neighborhood to the local government’s residential plan. We will not allow our homes to be destroyed for nothing. You are the victims here and you are resisting. We are always with you. We will support you. We congratulate you for your honorable resistance here. Our unity and solidarity must be an example for others. We wish you well in your action.”
Speaking for the workers, laborer Atilla Atalay said, “You are losing your homes, we are losing our jobs. We are all giving our struggles. Your homes will be taken by the government and will be squandered to money bag developers. You tried all legal ways. We thank you for coming. We are also on your side in your struggle.”
The youth from Peoples Houses also participated in the visit by playing songs and dancing.
The AL-CO workers will return the visit to the Eren-Cedid residents in the next few days.