Workers Left Unity Iran The anti war movement, Hezbollah and the issue of political freedoms Israel’s savage aggression against the peoples of Lebanon and Palestine, with the excuse of limiting Lebanese Hezbollah’s power in the region, backed by the governments of US and UK has shaken world public opinion and the anti war movement has […]
Workers Left Unity Iran
The anti war movement, Hezbollah and the issue of political freedoms
Israel’s savage aggression against the peoples of Lebanon and Palestine, with the excuse of limiting Lebanese Hezbollah’s power in the region, backed by the governments of US and UK has shaken world public opinion and the anti war movement has rightly mobilised once more to express its opposition to imperialist policies in the Middle East and elsewhere. In the wake of the existing debacle regarding Iran’s nuclear capability, the Iranian people are facing the threat of another war. Most Iranians, victims of a brutal 8 year war between Iran and Iraq, are against war and war mongers. They want an end to imperialist aggression and peace in the region, yet they are well aware that there will be no lasting peace without the establishment of political freedoms and rights for the peoples of the region. They know that Iran’s Islamic regime has armed and supported some of the most reactionary forces of the region including the militias of the two factions of the pro US occupation government in Iraq ( Shia SCIRI and Daava) as well as Lebanese Hezbollah. They know that the Islamic regime in Iran has in the past used such forces not only to increase its political and economic influence in the region but also as means of interference , proxy battles as well as negotiations and secret dealings with US administration ( as it did during the Irangate scandal or since the US occupation of Iraq). That is why as an integral part of the Iranian antiwar movement we have always maintained that anti imperialism, unreserved condemnation of Israel’s militarist aggression in the region and against Palestinians must be accompanied by opposition to Iran’s Islamic regime and reactionary groups associated with it. It is this stance that has raised the hatred and anger of supporters of these Islamic groups against Iranian leftwing activists in the anti war protests.
In the last few days, in demonstrations against Israel ‘s aggression in Lebanon in many European cities, we have witnessed repeated attacks against Iranian activists who were raising the slogan :”No to imperialist wars No to Iran’s Islamic regime’. Unfortunately some political organisations who for tactical or other reasons confuse the anti US slogans of Islamists with anti imperialism have taken an opportunist position, turning a blind eye to such events and allowing small Hezbollah supporters to dominate the demonstration with slogans such as ‘Allah Akbar’ (God is Great) accompanied by raising pictures of various Iranian Ayatollahs , an insult to Iranian communists and socialists who are victims of the repression imposed by these Ayatollahs. Worse than that when Hezbollahis attacked Iranian left wingers in a number of demonstrations in Europe, some political groups remained silent.
We warn those who attack our political freedom to express an opinion in anti war protests that they will not be able to silence us, we will expose imperialism and reaction and defend the anti capitalist struggles of Iranian workers, women , students” against Iran’s reactionary Islamic regime while opposing US imperialism.
We will name and shame those organisations that collude with Hezbollah to attack our political rights , we will continue expressing our demands and our slogans in anti war protests . Of course we extend our greetings to the many socialist/communist groups and individuals who backed us in these demonstrations and defended us against brutal physical attacks by Hezbollah supporters.
In the first leaflet on this issue we mention 3 examples of Hezbollah attacks against Iranian antiwar socialists.
Copenhagen( Denmark)
On Friday 21st of July supporters of Lebanese Hezbollah (around 15individuals) backed by a so called Danish left group (the Trotskyite International Socialists) entered a protest organised by the group “Initiative against Israeli aggression”. The organisers had already stressed on Thursday 20th of July at a press conference they did not want the participation of religious- reactionary groups. Hezbollah supporters were asked to leave the demonstration, especially as they started attacking Iranian leftwing activists and disrupting the protest. As soon as Danish police arrived, Hezbollah supporters started pointing out Iranians in the demonstration to the police, calling on the police to arrest them!! At the end of this protest Hezbollah supporters threatened Iranian comrades with death.
On Saturday the 22nd of July , a protest was called by German progressive forces against Israeli aggression. A large number of Hezbollah supporters took part in this demonstration and insulted one of the speakers, an Iranian leftist activist as she started to speak. As soon as she spoke against Iran’s Islamic regime, they started hissing and booing, while swearing and threatening her. When she left the platform in protest , they followed her with a camera continuing to insult and attack her, however with the intervention of Arab comrades she was lead to safety.
Gutenberg ( Sweden)
On Saturday the 22nd of July , following a call by the antiwar network in Gutenberg, a demonstration took place in the city centre and our comrades attended this protest with a banner : “No to war, No to Bush and US, Down with the Islamic Republic regime in Iran” . A large number of Hezbollah supporters (all Lebanese) had taken part in this protest and when they saw the banner, they warned our comrades that unless they lowers the banner they will be beaten up. A struggle took place and police intervened and confiscated our banner, claiming that it is causing too much disruption. The organisers of the protest did not condemn this undemocratic act and allowed Hezbollah to raise slogans such as Allah Akbar, as well pictures of Nasrallah, mainly because of their populist opportunism.
On Saturday 22nd of July similar events took place in the Swedish capital Stockholm.
None of these protests were called by Hezbollah, in fact Hezbollah supporters have been absent in ALL previous anti war demonstrations in Europe and America, because like their pay master in Iran they supported the occupation of Iraq and the coming to power of Shia militias, backed by Imperialist military forces in that country.
No to imperialist wars, No to Iran’s Islamic Regime, No Israel’s war against Lebanese and Palestinian people.
Long live peace and eth right of nations to self determination, free of imperialist military financial and political interventions.
Workers Left Unity Iran
29th July 2007
email : [email protected]