July 31, 2006 A crowd gathered by the call of many left wing organizations including Peoples Houses, ESP, Socialist Party of Labor, Party of Labor, Freedom and Solidarity Party, EHP, Social Democratic Party, SGD and the Human Rights Association protested Israeli barbarism on July 31, 2006 around 2:00PM in Eskişehir, a central industrial city of […]
July 31, 2006
A crowd gathered by the call of many left wing organizations including Peoples Houses, ESP, Socialist Party of Labor, Party of Labor, Freedom and Solidarity Party, EHP, Social Democratic Party, SGD and the Human Rights Association protested Israeli barbarism on July 31, 2006 around 2:00PM in Eskişehir, a central industrial city of Turkey.
The protestors enjoyed a tremendous support and participation from the people of Eskişehir where the speakers emphasized that the world passively watched while Israel butchered the people of Palestine, Lebanon and other peoples of the Middle East. The speakers also condemned the assessment of these atrocities as a simple “unequal use of force.”
The Turkish Islamic government was also heavily condemned for only talking and giving speeches while doing nothing to support either the Palestinians or the Lebanese against Israel.
People of Eskişehir showed their support to their brothers and sisters in the Middle East by chanting, We are all Lebanese, We are All Palestinian,” “Murderer Israel, get out of the Middle East”, “Murderer USA, get out of the Middle East”, “Palestinians are not alone!” “Murderer USA, Collaborator JDP” referring to the Islamic Justice and Development Party government of Turkey.