July 20th, 2006 The president of the Freedom and Solidarity Party, Hayri Kozanoğlu gave a written press release today explaining their approach to the Kurdish question. Press Release: The solution to the Kurdish question should be sought from within. The escalating violence emanating from the Kurdish question is concerning everybody in the society. The latest […]
July 20th, 2006
The president of the Freedom and Solidarity Party, Hayri Kozanoğlu gave a written press release today explaining their approach to the Kurdish question.
Press Release:
The solution to the Kurdish question should be sought from within.
The escalating violence emanating from the Kurdish question is concerning everybody in the society. The latest death of 14 soldiers has created a deep sorrow in the hearts of people.
With the defusion of the dialog and solution process initiated by the 150 signers last year, the violence sharpened and everything went back to square one.
While the government’s idea of “operations beyond our borders” will not solve the crises, it will actually send our country into a regional chaos in the stage we are in. For this reason, the real solutions must be sought not elsewhere but right here. The call of the “Hawks” to “hit like Israel” is actually a call to become a terrorist state like Israel. This call should not be heeded.
PKK (The Workers Party of Kurdistan) should end its armed activities. These actions feed a sharp and dangerous base for further clashes within the society. As a result of these actions the rage turns against civilian Kurdish citizens.
We are faced with the challenge to raise a democratic and peaceful voice over the warring forces. We either have to live together under equal, free and democratic conditions or fight and socially divide. All our efforts should be to protect, develop and enforce the basis upon which the practice of living together will flourish.
Hayri Kozanoğlu