April 12, 2006 Nine members of the Peoples’ House blocked the enterance of the Parliament in Ankara Wednesday morning to protest the General Healthcare Insurance Bill. They wore orange aprons and hats with the logo “Free Healthcare, Free Education” written on them, stood at the enterance of the Parliament arm in arm and prevented the […]
April 12, 2006
Nine members of the Peoples’ House blocked the enterance of the Parliament in Ankara Wednesday morning to protest the General Healthcare Insurance Bill. They wore orange aprons and hats with the logo “Free Healthcare, Free Education” written on them, stood at the enterance of the Parliament arm in arm and prevented the cars from going in.
The Security Guards from the Parliament asked them to leave, however they stood their ground and made speeches such as, “We shall defend our right to healthcare, we won’t let IMF have it as a gift, don’t obstruct us, obstruct those IMF servants and public enemies who will go in and vote for the bill.”
Security forces then attacked the protesters, arrested them, tore of their aprons, dragged them and took them to the police station.
The police also attacked the photographers from the press who were photographing the police violance and wanted to confiscate their cameras.
The nine people arrested are still in detention.