Monthly Review dergisinin web sitesi ilk günlerinden itibaren sendikalar, dünya emek hareketi, ücretler, çalışma saatleri ve çalışma koşulları ve çalışmanın doğası gibi başlıklarla birlikle emek konusuna özel bir önem veriyor. Sitede AFL-CIO’da meydana gelen bölünmeden Güney Kore’deki sendikal mücadelelere dek birçok konuyu kapsayan otuzdan çok güncel makale online olarak bulunabilir. Site bu köşenin çalışan […]
Monthly Review dergisinin web sitesi ilk günlerinden itibaren sendikalar, dünya emek hareketi, ücretler, çalışma saatleri ve çalışma koşulları ve çalışmanın doğası gibi başlıklarla birlikle emek konusuna özel bir önem veriyor. Sitede AFL-CIO’da meydana gelen bölünmeden Güney Kore’deki sendikal mücadelelere dek birçok konuyu kapsayan otuzdan çok güncel makale online olarak bulunabilir. Site bu köşenin çalışan insanlar açısından kendi sorunlarını tartışabildikleri bir kürsü olmasını hedefliyor. Okurları emekle ilgili kişisel çalışma deneyimlerinden şiir ya da öyküler gibi herhangi bir başlıkta yer alabilecek 500-1500 sözcükten oluşan iletilerini göndermeye çağıran site ile doğrudan iletişim için Micheal Yates [email protected] ile ilişki kurulabilir. adresinden online olarak ulaşılabilecek olan makaleler yazar soyadına göre alfabetik sıraya göre yer alıyor.
Stewart Acuff, “‘Unity within Our Movement Has Never Been More Important’: Statement by AFL-CIO Organizing Director Stewart Acuff at the Illinois State AFL-CIO Central Labor Council Conference in Findlay, Ill. June 14, 2005” (18 Jul. 2005)
Greg Albo and Dan Crow, “New Bargaining Strategies? USWA and the New Economy” (19 Sep. 2005)
Roger Annis, “Western Canada Labor Battles Show Need for Solidarity” (9 Dec. 2005)
Ajamu Baraka, Gene Bruskin, Kathy Engel, Ray Eurquhart, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Badili Jones, Elly Leary, Eric Mann, Marsha Steinberg, Makani Themba-Nixon, Jerry Tucker, and Steve Williams, “An Open Letter to the Labor Movement regarding Katrina” (20 Oct. 2005)
Denise Bergman, “Red” (30 Jul. 2005); “Noon Whistle” (11 Oct. 2005)
Chris Kutalik and Jennifer Biddle, “‘Airline Workers United’ Forms to Fight Concessions Industrywide” (5 Jan. 2006)
Greg Boozell, “‘How Can You Do That to a Community?’: Locked Out by Celanese in Illinois” (20 Feb. 2006)
Jed Brandt, “Beyond Nickels and Dimes: Transit Strike Is Our Strike” (22 Dec. 2005)
Jenny Brown, Joe Courter, and Mark Piotrowski, “Trade Unionists, Military Families, Veterans, and Community Activists: Demo Graphics Part Two, 24 September 2005, Washington, D.C.” (28 Sep. 2005)
Paul Buhle, “Latterday Wobbly Types: Remembering Stan Weir” (1 Aug. 2005)
David Camfield, “‘BC Teachers Backed by All of Us Can Win against This Government!'” (13 Oct. 2005)
Enoch Caudwell, “China’s Landless” (26 Jul. 2005)
Paola Corso, “Rubber Soul” (18 Jul. 2005); “Exhaustion” (27 Oct. 2005); “End Pieces” (6 Nov. 2005); “My Very Own Cleaning Lady” (17 Nov. 2005)
Enrique Cortázar, “Indocumentado/Undocumented” (22 Jul. 2005)
Jenny Brown, Joe Courter, and Mark Piotrowski, “Trade Unionists, Military Families, Veterans, and Community Activists: Demo Graphics Part Two, 24 September 2005, Washington, D.C.” (28 Sep. 2005)
Jeff Crosby, “Democracy, Density, and Transformation: We Need Them All” (18 Jul. 2005)
Noknoi Daeng, “Mass Upsurge in Thailand: Students and Workers on the March” (14 Feb. 2006)
Efraim Davidi, “Neo-colonialism — a Palestinian Nightmare” (23 Oct. 2005)
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, “Oklahoma: Many Shades of Red” (16 Jul. 2005); “Where Have All the Farmers Gone?” (27 Aug. 2005)
Steve Early, “Is The Strike Dead? Not According to Bob Schwartz. . . .” (1 Jan. 2006)
Econoticias Bolivia, “Unionists Closely Watch Morales” (5 Feb. 2006)
Richard Egeland, “Two Decades at Ryerson Freaking Steel” (20 Dec. 2005)
Jeremy Evanchesky, “Southern Hospitality: Life in a ‘Right-to-Work’ State” (19 Oct. 2005)
Tiffany Ten Eyck, “Delphi’s Demands Provoke Auto Worker Resistance: Rank and Filers Strategize over Concessions” (30 Nov. 2005); “Auto Workers Plan Public and In-Plant Resistance to Wage Cuts” (14 Jan. 2006)
Kim Fellner, “The Labor Movement: It’s More than We Bargain for” (24 Jul. 2005)
Jon Flanders, “Toward an Organized Left in the Labor Movement” (28 Aug. 2005); “Wal-Mart Protest in Brunswick, New York” (22 Nov. 2005); “Rising Tensions on the Rails” (18 Dec. 2005); “What I Learned from the NYC Transit Strike” (29 Dec. 2005); “A Track Runs through It: Why Railroad Workers and Trackside Communities Should Fight for Jobs and Environmental Justice Together” (16 Feb. 2006)
Bill Fletcher, Jr., “‘Can We Do Anything besides Watch?’: Some Ideas for Addressing Labor’s Crisis” (15 Jul. 2005); “‘The Question of Working-Class Power’: Bill Fletcher, Jr. Speaks to the Canadian Auto Workers Conference, Toronto, Canada, 13 July 2005” (25 Jul. 2005); “My Vote Goes to the NYC Transit Workers!” (21 Dec. 2005)
Matthew Ford, “John Roberts, Stare Decisis, and the Return of Lochner: An Impetus to Jump-Start the Labor Movement” (18 Sep. 2005)
Tracy Frisch, “Invisible Immigrant Workers in Our Midst” (6 Jan. 2005)
Jayson J. Funke, “Wal-Mart Bashing: ‘Tis the Season” (24 Nov. 2005)
Sam Gindin, “GM, the Delphi Concessions, and North American Workers: Round Two?” (15 Nov. 2005)
Martin Hart-Landsberg, “South Korea: The State of Political Struggle” (15 Sep. 2005)
Melissa Hornaday, “From the Fields to the Factories: Central American Free Trade Deal Hits the Region’s Women Workers Harder” (7 Dec. 2005)
Ron Jacobs, “Struggle and Lose, Struggle and Win! A Review of When Miners March” (27 Jan. 2006)
Chris Kutalik and William Johnson, “Solidarity for Never? Northwest Mechanics Strike Against Deep Pay Cuts, Outsourcing” (3 Sep. 2005)
Brian King, “Union Organizing in the Trenches” (16 Nov. 2005)
Chris Kutalik (with William Johnson), “Solidarity for Never? Northwest Mechanics Strike Against Deep Pay Cuts, Outsourcing” (3 Sep. 2005); “The Bankruptcy Bomb: Companies Use Bankruptcy Threats and Courts to Force Bigger Givebacks, Break Unions” (25 Oct. 2005); (with Jennifer Biddle), “‘Airline Workers United’ Forms to Fight Concessions Industrywide” (5 Jan. 2006)
Michael A. Lebowitz, “Constructing Co-Management in Venezuela: Contradictions along the Path” (24 Oct. 2005)
Michael Perelman, “Voluntary Slavery” (30 Jul. 2005); “Flexibility for Whom?” (1 Oct. 2005)
Jenny Brown, Joe Courter, and Mark Piotrowski, “Trade Unionists, Military Families, Veterans, and Community Activists: Demo Graphics Part Two, 24 September 2005, Washington, D.C.” (28 Sep. 2005)
Andrew Pollack, “The Man (and the System) behind the Mining Murders” (6 Jan. 2006)
Robert Pollin, “Be Utopian: Demand the Realistic” (21 Jul. 2005)
Peter Rachleff, “A ‘Labor Intensive’ Strategy for Building Workers’ Power” (25 Jul. 2005); “An Injury to One: A Film by Travis Wilkerson” (1 Aug. 2005); “Show Your Solidarity with AMFA: Support 4,400 Mechanics, Cleaners, and Custodians on Strike” (24 Aug. 2005); “Labor Day Poses Hard Questions” (4 Sep. 2005)
Bob Rosen, “BC Teachers Hold the Line — the Government Blinks” (20 Oct. 2005); “BC Teachers Go Back to Work — Who Won the Battle?” (25 Oct. 2005)
Seth Sandronsky, “An Interview with Kenneth Burt” (9 Aug. 2005); “GM, the UAW, and U.S. Health Care” (18 Aug. 2005)
Kim Scipes, “Free Labor from the Empire: Breaking the NED-Solidarity Center Connection” (19 Jul. 2005); “Distilling the 2005 AFL-CIO Convention: Disaster Ahoy!” (8 Aug. 2005); “US Labor Leaders: Missing in Action” (14 Sep. 2005); “Labor: Eyeless in America” (31 Oct. 2005); “Labor: Engaging the Community and B
uilding Grassroots Legitimacy — a Report from Northwest Indiana” (25 Nov. 2005); “Labor Rights: If Unions Won’t Fight for Them, Then What Good Are Unions?” (14 Dec. 2005); “Workers’ Rights ARE Human Rights — Not Just in the USA, but around the World” (25 Jan. 2006)
Gregg Shotwell, “The Answering Machine” (28 Jan. 2006)
Jeb Sprague, “Supporting a Leftist Opposition to Lavalas: The AFL-CIO’s Solidarity Center and Batay Ouvriye” (21 Nov. 2005)
Janet Stein, “Pyramid of Capital (1983)” (18 Aug. 2005)
Chris Townsend, “CAFTA Math” (7 Oct. 2005); “Disgrace of the Week: Senate Republicans Stop Minimum Wage Increase” (21 Oct. 2005); “What’s Ahead in 2006 on the Political Action Front?” (29 Dec. 2005); “The State of Bush: A Man Obsessed” (2 Feb. 2006)
Jerry Tucker, “U.S. Labor in Crisis: The Current Internal Debate and the Role of Democracy in Its Revitalization” (21 Jul. 2005); “Whither Labor? Jerry Tucker Reports on the 2005 AFL-CIO Convention” (24-28 July 2005); “A New Labor Federation Claims Its Space: If Enthusiasm on Display Were Substance, CtW Could Claim a Good Start” (4 Oct. 2005)
The UAW New Directions Movement, “Protect UAW Retirees: Their Future Is Our Future” (26 Oct. 2005)
UE, “UE Files ILO Complaint: Complaint filed with UN Agency Accusing North Carolina of International Labor Law Violations” (12 Dec. 2005)
Jen Rae Vernon, “At My Job” (19 Dec. 2005)
Richard D. Vogel, “Wal-Mart’s End Run around Organized Labor — Aided and Abetted by the State of Texas” (14 Jul. 2005); “Border Vigilantes and Mass Migration” (22 Jul. 2005)
Dorothy L. Wake, “Organized Labor to Women: ‘You’re on Your Own in Reproductive Rights Struggle'” (29 Nov. 2005)
Tom Walker, “Only So Much Work to Go Round” (4 Aug. 2005)
Nancy Wallace, “Dial Direct Action for Customer Service” (9 Nov. 2005); “Change to Win or Win for a Change?” (4 Dec. 2005)
Antoinette “Toni” Yates, “Head Start: Working for a Program That Works!” (5 Dec. 2005)
Michael D. Yates, “Let’s Put the Nature of Work on Labor’s Agenda: Part One” (14 Jul. 2005); “Let’s Put the Nature of Work on Labor’s Agenda: Part Two” (21 Jul. 2005); “Let’s Put the Nature of Work on Labor’s Agenda: Part Three” (28 Jul. 2005); “Let’s Put the Nature of Work on Labor’s Agenda: Part Four” (22 Aug. 2005); “Tributes to David Houston” (1 Sep. 2005); “Let’s Put the Nature of Work on Labor’s Agenda: Part Five” (24 Sep. 2005); “Let’s Put the Nature of Work on Labor’s Agenda: Part Six” (9 Oct. 2005); “Do Unions Still Matter?” (4 Nov. 2005); “Let’s Put the Nature of Work on Labor’s Agenda: Part Seven” (1 Dec. 2005); “A Union Is Not a ‘Movement’ (19 November 1977)” (16 Jan. 2006)
Kathy Young, “Waiting to Be Paid” (14 Sep. 2005)
Mickey Z., “Keep the ‘Labor’ in Labor Day: Remembering the Lowell Mill Girls” (3 Sep. 2005)